8 Steps to Establish Business Credit

8 Steps to Establish Business Credit

Establishing business credit is essential for small businesses. It helps you to maintain a credit history that’s totally separate from your person credit, take advantage of the benefits of good business credit, and shows a separation between the business and the...
Find out How Lenders Are Profiting Off You

Find out How Lenders Are Profiting Off You

What is Credit Score and Credit Risk? Your credit score is a three digit number calculated from your credit report and it used to gauge liability when taking out a loan. It is used to determine if you will pay back your loans on time. The lower the credit score, the...
What Your Credit Score Means

What Your Credit Score Means

What a Credit Score is A credit score is issued by the credit reporting agency or by the lender.  This number that is assigned to your credit is a scoring system that adds up the points of your good credit and subtracts the negative items that are found on your...